One of the most important things you'll need when you start your Christmas casual job is a TFN.
A Tax File Number (TFN) is your personal reference number that connects you to the Australian tax and superannuation system. It's basically your "member number" at the tax office!
Once you have one, it's yours for life - so it's very important to keep this safe - it's part of your identity!
Why do you need a TFN? You can work without a TFN, but you do pay additional tax on your pay and super, and it means you get limited access to government services.
Where do you apply? It's very easy to apply for one, and you can do it at any time (even babies can get them!)
If you are an Australian resident, you can apply;
1. Online with an Australian Passport
If you meet the eligibility requirements, you can get a TFN straight away by applying online using myGovID. Get started on the ATO website.
2. At an Australia Post outlet
First complete an online application form and visit an Australia Post outlet near you. Bring your forms and your original identity documents. Check before you go in case you need to book an interview.
3. At a Services Australia Centre
If you are a current customer, you can order the application form online. Bring the completed forms and original identity documents to your local Centrelink centre.
4. Via post
Order an application form and get copies of your identity documents certified (never send your original documents as you might not get them back) and follow the directions to post everything in.
Get started now
The processing time to get a TFN can take a few weeks... and it's one of those things you can get before you get your Christmas casual job.
For more information for foreign passport holders or people living outside Australia, check the ATO website