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I’ve Never Had a Job Before - How Do I Get A Christmas Casual Job?

By Andrew

Great news!

One of the BEST ways to get your first job is to apply for a Christmas casual job.

Ok, some employers will still want to see retail experience on your resume - employers such as high-end retailer Tiffany & Co.

But plenty of other employers won’t expect you to have any experience at all. They hire lots of Christmas casuals just like you.

But I’m really young

Guess what? That can also be an advantage.

The retail awards pay more to older staff. So young staff are cheaper for companies to hire. So many companies are actually looking for young people. The younger you are, the cheaper you are to hire, the more chance you will get a first job!

Don’t leave it too late

In fact, it can be very hard to get your first job if you leave it until you are 21 or 22.

By then, employers will expect you to have some experience and they know they will have to pay you more for that experience.

**So dive in! **

Getting your first job is always a bit of a challenge. But that’s a good experience too. You might get a few knock-backs at first, but “resilience” is a good personal characteristic to build in yourself.

But remember, one of the best ways to get your FIRST job is to apply for a Christmas job.

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